Speed Camera Lottery

Stockholm experimented with keeping rewards and punishing speeders. I entered a lottery where the prizes come out of the fines paid by speeders for driving over or under the speed limit. The so-called speed camera lottery is a great solution to change your behavior on the road. Kevin Richardson entered Volkswagen's The Fun Theory competition in 2010 with his speed camera lottery idea. The concept was so strong that Stockholm held a provisional exam a year later. When a car passes a certain intersection, a camera takes a photo and measures its speed. Drivers were fined if they exceeded the speed limit. However, this money was used to enrich a unique fund called the obedient drivers lottery. If you're not a speed freak, you can enter the lottery for a chance to win money from people who don't follow the rules of the road. Simple and perfect. Sticks and Carrots are on a whole new level. Punish free riders and reward behaviors that benefit society as a whole through fun games. Not surprisingly, Sweden was quick to test the idea. According to court precedent, 24,857 vehicles passed the camera and the average speed dropped from 32 km/h to 25 km/h (22%).


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